EFS-Tools.com Membership Levels
Each unique membership level within EFS-Tools.com provides separate and unique sets of trading tools and training. This example page is not a complete list of the tools you will receive upon joining EFS-Tools, it is simply an example page showing some of the tools you will receive at different membership levels
Premium Membership - Silver
Our Premium Silver Membership level is designed for entey level experienced esignal/AlgoTerminal users that want to learn to become more successful traders and take advantage of our specialized tools and training. This membership level is not FREE. As soon as you sign up for the Premium Silver membership, you will be allowed to enter our forums and download the FREE & Premium EFS Tools.
Using our specialized tools, you'll be able to learn from our examples how to identify and trade various advanced types of entry triggers as well as develop your own techniques. You will also gain access to our Silver Level training, support, video tutorials and market updates.
Premium Silver Memberships Include
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Premium Membership - Gold
Our Premium Gold Membership level is designed for professional level experienced esignal/AlgoTerminal users that want to learn to become more successful traders and take advantage of our specialized tools and training. This membership level is not FREE. As soon as you sign up for the Premium Gold membership, you will be allowed to enter our forums and download the FREE & Premium EFS Tools.
Using our specialized tools, you'll be able to learn from our examples how to identify and trade various advanced types of entry triggers as well as develop your own techniques. You will also gain access to our Gold Level training, support, video tutorials and market updates.
Premium Gold Memberships Include
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Dev Guild Membership
Our Dev Guild is designed for high-end, experienced eSignal/AlgoTerminal users that want to learn to learn to develop and deploy advanced fully automated trading strategies as well as manage them successfully. Any user that is at this level is a power user and we've assisted hundreds of them over the years. The Dev Guild is a "think tank" based concept where we want to build a group of power users to jointly guide and direct the development of complex automated trading strategies for all Guild members. As a Guild member, you will become part of a select group of experienced traders that are attempting to build, test, improve and deploy advanced, fully automated trading strategies for long term success. As soon as you sign up for the Dev Guild, you will be allowed to enter the Guild forums and review/download the Dev Guild tools.
Using our specialized tools, you'll be able to learn from our examples how to identify and trade various type of different entry triggers as well as develop your own techniques. We suggest that FREE Members make a DONATION to this site or consider upgrading their memberships to better support our efforts in providing these tools and services.
Dev Guild Includes
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Dev Guild
Join other professional EFS/AT developers in our quest
The Dev Guild provides very unique opportunities; share ideas, share concepts, share costs, share success. The quest we seek to overcome is the development of multiple successful trading strategies and fully automated trading solutions. Are you ready for your place in the Guild?
Join the Dev Guild